onsdag 18. februar 2009

1993 - 2003

In 1994 I kept Lilleba's Line Eriksatter. She became mother of 4 champions in her 2 litters, and 3 of her other offsprings got CK ( certificatequality), out of total 8 puppies

Lilleba'sLine Eriksdatter (Line), born 24. April 1994, dead 21. February 2009

Line's Daughter, Dt.VDH.Ch. Lilleba's Guardian Silverangel, a very special poodle female in my life.
tested prcd-B

Dt.VDH. Ch.Lilleba's Guardian Silveangel (Martine) she also got CC in Norway,
born 17. March 1998 Photo: Eivor Bakken

All her littermates of 4, 3 became champions, except 1, and he got CC quality :)

Dt.VDH Ch. Lilleba's Guardian Silverangel,
photo 2000
born 17. March 1998

In 1999 I kept the only daughter of Lilleba's Christina Eriksdatter, her name is
Lilleba's Silvertears in Heaven. She is a blue miniature female,
tested prcd-A

Lilleba's Silvertears in Heaven (Sissel)
born 6. May 1999

Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher, a silver dwarf male, was born in 2000, and I kept him.
He loves the showring. He is a rather small dwarfpoodle.
prcd-A tested.

Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher, photo 2005

Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher (Anders),
born 4. April 2000

Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher

Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher


Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher

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